Tuesday 24 November 2009

Kingsdown and cliftonwood RPZ update

Breaking news: the detailed Kingsdown and Cliftonwood RPZ plans are up on the council site, go look for them.

Looking at the Kingsdown proposal:
  • The Council also wants Saturdays to be RPZ only, 9-5. This will ensure revenue to Cabot Circus by reducing lower cost alternatives
  • Will allow resident parking on the top of nine-tree-hill, a road that is currently only of interest to cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Will add more yellow lines on corners etc.
  • Have dodged the Kingsdown Parade bullet by still allowing parking on one side, except where there are yellow lines already

Although it will inconvenience commuters, out of hours it should still be OK to park as this car CN53MZZ has done: far enough onto the pavement that the double yellow lines no longer apply, and with the wing-mirror safe from being clipped


Rick said...

Could you post a link as we can't find the report update anywhere.

(comments are a bit picky these days - don't work at all from Firefox and you have to be logged in first in IE)

SteveL said...

here you go